Basically, this blog I would pretty much focus on CD albums that I purchased. However, I'll still blog topics other than that.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Month of July
This month didnt spend much of money, at the same time i brought in 4 albums only.
愛.旅行.一公里 by 許茹芸, 幸福遇見 by 林依晨, F One by 范瑋琪 which all these are autogrpahed version, and lastly Morning by 衛蘭.
How i wish Janice album also been signed. Well, focus back my work. Will try to post any missed new albums when time allowed me. =p
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Penny Tai- Forgive Me For Being The Girl I Am 戴佩妮-原諒我就是這樣的女生
As mentioned earlier post, this is autographed version. Real happy when seeing my babies being worm drawn. Looks stunning and awesome!
Song that i loved most in this album is the track 2. D picture shown is the lyrics for track 1 n 2.
The back cover with the songs list.
Would like to highlight about this album. The dvd has 2 MVs, The making of the album, and behind the scene of MV shoot for 兩難. Its quite interesting watching out how artist makes their album during the photo shoot, also those valueable footage when they are producing the MV.
To make a certain statement, i actually is a film maker student, so do actually like clips, videos....
In the 兩難 MV, there's 2 appearance of Penny, with long hair and short hair. She was the director of this MV making, where finished part of the shooting last year, where she was wit long hair, while 2nd half was produced this year which in short hair. Regards to the story of the MV, i wont reveal at here. Why? If u wan to find out, Buy the album, its a good collection.
For songs, as above, i love Track 2 d most, follow up by Track 1, and ... er.. should b saying i do like most of them except "Lafite", which sounds weird, however quite cool as never been touching these type of tune. A gd experience. Then again, Lafite this song, and some other 4 songs actually were from her 2008 EP, so total up wit new songs giving a 14 tracks.
Friday, July 3, 2009
@~@... cant believe
Yea, i have flipped over the house, found 3 albums only. Well, i guess i was too busy, yea i reckon honestly, so no time for my babies.
Well, those 3 albums are, Lam Fung-Lets Get Wet (1st version), Shirley Kwan-Shirleys Era (1st and limited edition) and Penny Tai-Forgive me for being the girl i am (with autographed).
In the coming of days, will share these albums with u.
so catch me later ya!